Non-Chloride Accelerating Water Reducer

ACCELGUARD® NCA is an accelerating, water-reducing admixture for concrete that does not contain calcium chloride or added chloride ions. It improves properties of plastic and hardened concrete, provides a significant improvement in early stiffening and setting characteristics, improved workability and decreased bleeding and segregation. This admixture is compatible with air entraining admixtures, HRWR admixtures (super plasticizers), and conventional water reducing admixtures.

Features & Benefits

  • Reduces initial set 1 to 4 hours depending on concrete temperatures
  • Improves workability and provides denser concrete
  • Minimizes bleeding and segregation
  • Improves compressive strength development at early ages
  • Decreases overtime allowing earlier fi nishing
  • Increases protection for reinforcement in concrete


  • Cold weather concreting
  • Structural and plain concrete
  • Precast and post tensioned concrete
  • Masonry mortar and mortar grouts

Specifications / Compliances

  • Fully complies with ASTM C 494, Type C and E admixture specifications.
  • Fully complies with AASHTO M 194.
  • ACI 201, Guide for Durable Concrete and ACI 302 Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction prohibit the use of chlorides in many types of concrete. ACCELGUARD® NCA may be used in these types of concrete such as, floors over prestressed concrete or galvanized decking, floors containing two kinds of embedded metal, reinforced concrete in moist environments and/or exposed to chloride deicing salts.
  • ANSI/NSF STD 61 registered


ACCELGUARD® NCA is packaged in bulk, 275 gal (1041 L) totes, 55 gal (208 L) drums and 5 gal (18.9 L) pails.